Successfully ranked 6th in the 35th National Scientific Week (PIMNAS)

UNHAS managed to rank 6th in the 35th National Scientific Week (PIMNAS) held at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Unhas managed to pocket 7 medals, 4 medals for the poster category and 3 medals for the presentation category. One of the teams that managed to get a SILVER medal in the presentation category was the Silina Team which is the PKM Team for Entrepreneurship which was fostered by a Lecturer of the Soil Science Study Program as well as Deputy Dean II of the Faculty of Agriculture, Mrs. Dr. Ir. Rismaneswati, S.P., M.P. The Silina Team is a team chaired by Rahmawati S. who comes from the Faculty of Agriculture with members of Hamza Haaz (Fak. Economics & Business), Andi Arifal (Fak. Engineering), Dhea Sagita (Fak. MIPA) and Muh. Afdal (FISIP).